sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Despre diferente culturale, diferente de opinie si viziuni diferite

Nu am mai scris de multa vreme. Cu noul serviciu si lucrurile care se schimba, nu am mai avut nici timp si nici inspiratie. Si totusi a fost recent un subiect care a incins spiritele : un prieten de-al meu a comparat Romania cu India, mai ales in ce priveste aspectele negative. O divergenta de opinie s-a iscat cu combatanti in ambele tabere. Riscata de omisiuni, de viziuni diferite, de distanta culturala. Subiectul de discutie era interesant, dar polemica a fost departe de a fi o discutie interesanta cu argumente la rece. Totusi, subiectul a fost pus pe tava si mi-a starnit curiozitatea. Romania, ca si India e o tara in curs de dezvoltare, care are tarele ei. Mi-ar placea ca lasand la o parte tot ce poate incinge spiritele  sa aflu mai multe despre acest subiect, incercand nu sa sifonez imaginea unei tari sau a alteia, ci sa descopar lucruri. Si as vrea sa pornesc in aceasta analiza de la faptul ca nici o tara nu e inferioara celeilalte, ci sunt doua tari diferite cu civilizatii diferite. Voi ce credeti despre acest subiect ?

4 comentarii:

  1. Nam citit romana de mult si am tot pierdut.
    I'm not sure i've understood the question...is it to find common things between romania and india ?
    If it is the case, I propose (to start with a common thing) the use of many coloured things in the religious rituals :)

  2. we primitive people love the colors :) if not, i see you improved your english :) i will stop "biting" you now and i'll try to say something interesting instead. I don't know if you know this but romanians love india and i have the proof:) There is that writer i adore, Mircea Eliade who wrote books about india, and among others, he wrote a novel called maitreyi about love and india. He also wrote a book where he compared religions, from an analitical point a view, not from the point of view of a believer. So you see, i know a little bit of india even if i haven't seen it, as i knew a little bit france even before going there :)

  3. Who said the opposite? or more likely, why this last sentence?

    For Eliade, it's amazing how many time i've heard of him in the last months, from many different people and perspectives. (last one have been when Nico my study partner adviced me one of an Eliade book about south american sprituality - he (nico) have been crazy to discover the other Eliade works that you've told me about him)

    Then we've read that he was able to read sanskrit, persan...etc (Wikipedia: "Eliade had fluent command of five languages (Romanian, French, German, Italian, and English) and a reading knowledge of three others (Hebrew, Persian, and Sanskrit)"

    I'll try to find his book where he compares religions and read it, if so, i'll report about here :)


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