joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Un Chuck Norris autohton si de sezon

Subtitlu : Hrusca is Chuck Norris’s brother from another mother

Din intelepciunea populara propagata international (in engleza) :

In Romania no show is over till Hrusca sings
Hrusca sings about the great ancient time travelling antiaging allknowing force: The Ler
Hrusca rang the bell on heaven’s door
Hrusca cassettes are considered gifts of tremendous respect in Romania, all year long
Hrusca flosses with cassette tape
Whenever in doubt, romanians listen to an album of Hrusca
Hrusca was born out of a virgin carol
Hrusca knows the purpose of singing
Every time a romanian hears Hrusca singing he must drop everyting and sing along
In Romania a Hrusca totem pole is raised every time a new Hrusca album is brought into the home
As a deccoration, romanians carv the face of Hrusca into their christmas trees
People who have touched Hrusca get to make pollitical decisions in Romania
In 2012 Hrusca’s Ler will reverse the space and time continuum an the year will become 2102
We all live in a yellow Dacia, a yellow Dacia… and only Hrusca knows how to drive it
When Hrusca fixes his Dacia, all he cares about is the cassette player
Hrusca is the reason Romanians have a childhood
Whenever Hrusca starts singing it’s Christmas time
Those who illegally copy the songs of Hrusca have their Ler taken away and can no longer go to heaven
Everytime a carol by Hrusca is interrupted an angel looses his wings
Compared to ethernity, Hrusca is constant
When Hrusca feels down, he gets up and sings to himself
Hrusca is his own father and can master the force of the Ler and the antiLer
Every day is St. Hrusca day
When Hrusca sings, Romanians don’t use their cell phone for 3 days
When stray dogs hear Hrusca sing, they become lovable puppies
When Hrusca fought the Death Star, Obi-Wan said ‘use the ler’ and there was no more Empire
If Ler were a drug, it would be the most expensive drug ever

Multumesc Tudor!!!

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